Women Who Inspire Us
Today we’re tipping our hats to the incredible female entrepreneurs who inspire. While we can only feature a few, know that we salute you all.
08 March 2023 -
Forging paths, breaking barriers, and just being all around rad human beings, we love this roundup of women for inspiring us to take a chance, do something that scares us, and pursue our passions. In celebration of International Women’s Day, here are just five of our favorite women, narrowed down from billions of women all over the world who are working to make life beautiful for themselves and for others. To all the ladies, we tip our hats.

"I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of some incredible women along the way. There were some that encouraged me on a daily basis and some that I'll likely never meet but were inspired by their work as I forged my own path. No matter how small the impact, it was an impact nonetheless, and I’ve learned that it’s the series of small impacts as you move through life that shifts your thinking and pushes you to expand that really makes a difference. I’m forever grateful for the women whose support helped shape me."

Role: Co-Founder of Contemporary Clothing and Activewear Brand, Varley
Location: London, England
One piece of advice…
My father-in-law, Peter Mead, wrote a book called When in Doubt be Nice. This was his philosophy in business, and it’s one I like to think I’ve inherited and applied to Varley. It’s a reminder to always be kind and empathetic, especially when dealing with difficult situations. At Varley, we create a positive and inclusive work environment, and I believe that this advice has helped us achieve that.
A time you decided to go for it…
When I met my husband running in a park in London. It was love at first sight for me, and I knew we could build an awesome life together. It was a risk to take that leap of faith, but it has turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I suppose you could say I went for it!
A time you almost gave up…
I have nearly given up on lots of occasions, both in my personal and professional life, but I always have a little voice in my head telling me to push through and persevere. I firmly believe that failure is not the end, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. When faced with a difficult challenge or setback, I try to remind myself of why I started and what I’m working towards. I would rather fail trying than not have had a go.
Design style…
My design style is elevated, comfortable, and simple. I think it says that I’m a busy woman who wants to feel smart and confident while on the move without sacrificing quality or functionality.
Quote that inspires…
“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants,” by Coco Chanel. This quote is a reminder that as women, we have the power to define ourselves and our own paths.

Photos from Lara Mead

Role: Founder of homewares shop Vivi et Margot
Location: Poitou-Charentes, France
One piece of advice…
Four little words: Stay in your lane.
Many years ago, I was given this advice while climbing the corporate ladder in Los Angeles. At the time it was intended to be a criticism, but I took these words and turned them into something positive. Even though my boss had meant to clip my wings by saying this, it had the opposite effect and it’s been my motto ever since. It made me understand that to be the best in your field, you have to stay in your lane, not be influenced by others, stay authentic, shut out the noise around you and not compare yourself to others. Don’t try to keep up at another’s pace, walk the marathon and don’t sprint the race.
I think this advice can translate into an encouragement to be the most authentic version of ourselves and it can apply to multiple aspects of our lives. “Am I on the right track?” “Am I in a relationship I want to be in?” “Am I on a career path that feels right to me?” “Am I fulfilling my potential and using my talents?” All these questions lead us to a path that we are meant to be on. I suppose that the simplified way of looking at this is to see the importance of not veering off, and as I was told, to stay in our lane.
A time you decided to go for it…
After starting Vivi et Margot as a small side business, I finally built up the courage to resign from my job after nearly 25 years as the director of a large talent agency. I was successful both financially and in reputation, and I boldly walked away from it all. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing so, but I had devoted my entire career to helping secure the dreams of others and it was time to secure my own. I knew that if I didn’t hand in my notice, life would continue to pass me by.
Only two months later, the pandemic hit and there was the strong possibility that my business would not survive. The timing of the biggest change of my life could not have been worse, and nothing prepares you for the grief that such a massive life change can bring as you forego steady paychecks and the company of coworkers to chase a dream. However, adversity begets strength and as I persevered, I showed up with transparency and vulnerability. I shared my journey of starting a small business and moving to France with my social media following and as I did, I became more and more connected with my audience. Vivi et Margot has continued to flourish ever since.
It’s now been 3.5 years since I left my corporate life to go out on my own, and I wouldn’t change a thing. The business has blossomed, new team members have joined me, we have a new collection coming with a wholesale catalog following closely behind, and I am living my dream in Provence renovating our farmhouse. Sometimes, you just have to go for it!
A time you almost gave up…
To be honest, I’ve never given myself the option to give up. After all, I didn’t work in an office for over 2 decades with insane hours to give up on my goal of starting a business and being my own boss! When I feel fatigued, what I do is stand back. Quite often, I feel the pressure to re-evaluate, regroup, and distance myself from distractions and comparison. I try to look at my business from a customer’s point of view and accept failures and criticism as my teachers. I look at everything as a learning opportunity and prioritize both quality and relevancy in every aspect of the business. I truly believe that the key to success is to simply acknowledge that quitting is not an option. As Billie Jean King says, “Champions keep playing until they get it right.”
Design style…
I would say that my style is a combination of classic Provençal and Traditional English. I was born and raised in England before moving to America in my early twenties. Nearly thirty years later, I’ve found myself back in Europe and living in France. I’m drawn to earthy Provençal neutrals like stone, wood and faded terracotta with a small dose of classic English fabrics and unexpected color. This combination of design elements is completely engrained in my soul and though I rarely design with any other style, I’m going to experiment with something a bit more minimal in our next home.
Quote that inspires…
There is a beautiful line in Life is Beautiful where Shea says, “Goals are better imagined and conquered with someone by your side cheering you on.” When I started Vivi et Margot, it was a small business run out of my living room with just my husband by my side. He’s my greatest supporter and is always cheering me on. As my business has grown, I’ve carefully selected my team and gathered people around me who support me, share my vision, enhance my ideas and bring strengths to my weaknesses. It’s truly magic going from having one cheerleader to a full squad right by my side. Friends lift us up and partners hold us up, but a team will push you harder and catch you if you fall.

Photos from Charlotte Reiss

Role: Author and Founder of Madame de la Maison
Location: Paris, France
One piece of advice…
Start before you’re ready and remember that perfection is the enemy of progress. I go back to this repeatedly when I find myself stalling to start a project or seeking perfection in a space or an idea.
A time you decided to go for it…
Starting Madame de la Maison! I had almost talked myself out of launching a brand in a foreign country because I was convinced it wouldn’t go anywhere since there are so many other brands to compete with. There was also the fact that I was not 100% fluent and was terrified of working with suppliers and vendors. I also didn’t see many women of color in the home design space and was scared to enter the market. Then a friend complimented me on how courageous it was to turn a passion into a business, and someone else told me to start before I was ready. And so, I did.
A time you almost gave up…
When my upcoming book JOIE: A Parisian’s Guide to Celebrating the Good Life was just an idea on my computer screen, there were many, many times I wanted to give up and shut that computer. It was the middle of the lockdown, and I had difficulty seeing how any agent or publisher would be interested in a book about celebrating life when we couldn’t go anywhere. I was worried about what the future held and also wasn’t feeling super confident in my ability to write such a big book. When my previous agent showed little interest, I closed that book proposal for almost a year. Then I dug it back out, found an agent who believed in the importance of finding joy as much as I did, and was willing to give me a pep talk when I wanted to give up again during the long process, and…voila! Two years later, my book is coming out on April 18th.
Design style…
My design style is a careful balance between the past and the present. It shows that I am someone who appreciates and loves to learn from history while being a foreword-thinking woman who loves to connect with the present time.
Quote that inspires…
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you wanna make,” by Jane Goodall.

Photos from Ajiri Aki

Role: Photographer, Stylist, and Author of The New Southern Style
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
One piece of advice…
When you look for the light, you start to see it in all things. This, my personal anthem, kicks in when days aren’t going as planned. This mantra is for moments of disappointment, chaos or curveballs. It’s to keep us centered and rooted when we want to run the other way. It’s a call for alignment, a pulse check to re-tether to the moment in front of us. What we look for, we normally find, and I encourage us all to look for the light and inspired moments throughout the day.
A time you decided to go for it…
Planting seeds in the direction of a dream is an act of faith. When you do this daily, your dream transitions into a plan. I implemented this with my first book, The New Southern Style. Before having a literary agent, a publisher or even the personal confidence to comprehend the scale of a project like this, I simply “started” planting seeds. I believed in the concept so much as it is deeply rooted in service, community, and creativity. The most rewarding step you can take is the first one. Allow the inspiration to flow through you and remember how capable you are of being a conduit of creativity.
A time you almost gave up…
Writing and photographing my first book was hard. However, releasing the book in 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic was even more difficult. Around every corner there were challenges, agendas, setbacks, disappointments, and cancellations. The tone during this time was filled with so many unknowns. I was juggling my photography business, supplying my clients with digital solutions while we were confined to our four walls, paying my team without little movement and continuing with press for the book for almost a full year. I remember taking a few days off afterwards and it all hit me at once, the urge to throw in the towel. I had become so invested in keeping everything afloat, I was the one drowning. I listened to what my body was telling me and I rested. I recalibrated and created the space I needed emotionally, mentally, and physically in order to continue to show up for myself and for my community.
At this point in my life, creativity is more of a calling—a sacred space, a form of prayer, and less of a choice to walk away from. I see that now. As an artist you learn to pivot, adapt, surrender, rest, and repeat.
Design style…
My Design Personality: Buy the art. Use your linens with leftovers. Light the candles on a Wednesday night. Stop waiting for a special occasion to let your space support your life. My antidote to “hustle culture” is to live a more artful life. There is great value in surrounding yourself with humble and honest pieces. They don’t need to cost a fortune, however when you stop and look closely you are able to learn from the beauty around you and rediscover your spirit through the light reflecting a time-honored process. It’s a reminder to slow down, quiet the ego, and awaken your creative soul.
Quote that inspires…
“Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing,” by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes; Author of The Women Who Run With The Wolves.

Photos from Alyssa Rosenheck

Role: Hotelier, Investor, Creative Director, Designer, Brand Strategist, Mentor, and Voted Top 5 Female Change-makers in Hospitality.
Location: Malibu, California
One piece of advice…
I have two that I always come back to. “You can’t put integrity into a spreadsheet, yet it’s the one thing that will create the most long-term value.” That can be applied to business, design, and life in general. And, of course, “life is what you make it.”
A time you decided to go for it…
I’m a Pisces. We prefer to flow rather than make plans so this is how I live most of my life. I love the Hunter S. Thompson quote, “life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “wow, what a ride!” In life, I’m a believer that everyone has their own “book,” made of many chapters and it’s up to you as to what the story is. Be bold, be brave, have fun!
I moved to New York from Australia at 21 years old. I was on vacation at the time and loved the pulse of the city, the energy, the opportunity. At the end of the trip, I got on my flight home, NYC to Australia with a fuel stop in LA, except that I didn’t get back on the plane in LA and instead went back to NYC. I didn’t know anyone there, I had no job, no visa, about $500 to my name and eyes full of dreams. That was 15 years ago.
Similarly, when we opened our first hotel, The Surfrider, we didn’t have formal hospitality experience, but rather a solid business background plus strong vision and intuition around what was lacking in the industry. We were challenged over and over at the beginning, “this is (or isn’t) how it’s done,” “this is what a surf hotel should be.” We listened and learned but ultimately trusted our instincts on doing things differently, and, during the time that we owned the hotel, went on to win every big industry award, perfect reviews, and the most beautiful tribe of loyal guests and inspired team members who are now some of my dearest friends.
Sometimes you just have to back yourself, trust your gut and go for it!
A time you almost gave up…
I think, to some extent, this is the daily life of an entrepreneur and creative. The reality is, putting yourself out there, taking risks, pushing boundaries, and coloring outside the lines is bound to cast some doubt (yours and others). I’ve always tried to convert those feelings into energy and momentum.
Design style…
Contextual and of timeless quality, rather than trendy. I try to approach design in a way that’s not about me or my style, rather in context with the space’s location, environment, and history. I love the philosophy around “genius loci” which explores the protective spirit of a place, in which I feel is a designer’s duty and responsibility.
To do this, I seek inspiration from my travels around the world; history, art, culture, and then work backward around how I want the space to make people feel.
I also wholeheartedly believe that design isn’t just about the building or the furniture, but rather every single detail and all of the senses. Especially within the context of home or hospitality. This is something I believe women are intuitively very good at—we biologically approach things with emotional intelligence and awareness.
Quote that inspires…
“Empowered women, empower women.”
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Photo by Trevor Tondro

Role: Blogger of Half Baked Harvest, Photographer, Stylist, and New York Times Bestselling Author of Half Baked Harvest Every Day
Location: Summit County, Colorado
One piece of advice…
Treat everyone with the same amount of kindness and respect. Kindness gets you further in life than anything else.
A time you decided to go for it…
When I was 19 and hit publish on our first blog post. I just did it. I didn’t think twice about what could come of it or who would read it. I hit publish and never looked back. Here we are 11 years later still going strong!
A time you almost gave up…
I do not give up easily. My mom really instilled that in me. “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming” is what I often say in my head. But when I was 18 I was going through a really hard time. I struggled with school and anxiety. I always thought that going to school in LA for fashionwas what I wanted, but I soon realized that LA wasn’t for me. I came back feeling defeated and unsure of my direction. Instead of wallowing, I decided to roll up my sleeves and work on something I knew I was pretty good at, making people happy through food. My mom and I had discussed starting a blog a year earlier (we even took out the domain name Half Baked Harvest). Now was my chance to do it. Even if only 5 people read it we knew we would learn so much. SoI put everything I had into the blog and before I knew it there were 500 daily readers, then 5000, then 50,000, and so on. I loved connecting with people and helping them to create meals they were excited to share with loved ones
Design style…
I think my design style is laid back with one or two special elements that make what I do feel unique to myself. That might be something like adding edible flowers to an all-white lemon cake. Or adding a fun accessory to a basic jeans and tee outfit that really makes the outfit stand out. A subtle touch that makes everything feel just a little more elevated and special.
Quote that inspires…
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all – Helen Keller.

Photos by Kristin Kilpatrick

Role: Founder of Sézane
Location: Paris, France
One piece of advice…
To just take each day as it is the first day. This is what I’m always doing with Sézane, I love to see each day as a new beginning, with new eyes. It gives the all thing a new perspective.
A time you decided to go for it…
When I decided to take the 1 rue Saint-Fiacre as my first office almost ten years ago. I was passing in front of this beautiful building everyday and I decided to enter once and ask if it was to rent. It then became my first ever office, when we only had a few people working there. Then it became the Sézane showroom and now it’s still l’Appartement, the first store I ever open. I really decided to go for it that day, and it sort of changed everything.
A time you almost gave up…
I had a couple of times when I wanted to give up… Back then, people didn’t really trust that you could make a business of selling clothes online.
I’ll only keep the fact that my friends and family were always there to support me, and it was helped me getting through in tough times.
Design style…
I like to compose again and again my collection. I see them as big moodboards where I mix prints, fabrics, inspiration. I love to do big inspiration book. It gives me the freeness of getting inspired, and I love that sense of being free.